Lone Star Tribute: A Rare Look at Symbols of Texas Independence
While the siege and final battle may have lasted just 13 days, ending on March 6th 1836. The Battle of the Alamo constitutes perhaps the most celebrated military engagement in Texas history. How, exactly, did a ragtag group of soldiers mount massive cannons in the old stone fortress? Answers are revealed in documents from an upcoming auction.
One of the documents, a receipt for Six Hundred & Eighty two feet of Walnut Scantling to be used as platforms for cannons that was written by William B. Travis. The receipt describes how the Texan Alamo defenders planned for Santa Annas anticipated attack and constructed the missions legendary defenses. Herein the essential significance of the document that without the necessary building materials, the entire narrative of the Alamo both of fact and of legend might have turned out quite different. No building materials would have meant no platforms. Without platforms, Travis would not have been able to have made the most of his tactical advantage in what has become the most important symbol of Texan independence. This is possibly the finest Alamo document to be offered for public sale in perhaps a generation, says Bobby Livingston, VP of Sales and Marketing with RR Auction.
Among the other museum-quality pieces to be featured:William Travis receives lead and gun powder in the final shipment to the Alamo three days prior to Santa Anna's arrival in San Antonio: A receipt, signed by Travis, for the last supplies into the Alamo on February 20 three days before the arrival of Mexican forces in Bexar. Essentially a promissory note under the circumstances, this manuscript provides specific details about what the defenders had at hand during the ensuing battle. Travis's receipt also compels modern audiences to reconsider the popularly-held notion that Travis was taken by surprise by the attacking Mexicans. This document -- along with his prior signed receipts for lumber for planking and other supplies-- offer strong evidence that Travis was laying the groundwork for his fateful encounter with Santa Anna.
Other documents and notables include: James Clinton Neill from the Alamo on his last day of Command. These are also signed by Marcus L. Sewell and Robert White, who both died at the Alamo, along with documents from Benjamin Milam, James Bowie, and more.
All items are part of special Texas & Western Autograph & Artifact Auction from November 10-17, by New Hampshire based RR Auction. For information, visit the RR Auction web site at http://www.rrauction.com/.
For 30 years, RR Auction has offered collectors more than 1,250 quality, fully guaranteed signed items each month, including photos, documents, letters, and books from a variety of categories.
The Childrens Bereavement Center of South Texas (CBCST) is so much more than a place where grieving children come to heal. We change lives.
As the sole provider in South Texas of grief support programs for children through young adulthood, we wholeheartedly devote ourselves to addressing the grief and loss needs of children from every culture and social circumstance to help them heal and move forward.
San Antonio Charity Benefit / Showcase, Date 11/3/2011
If interested in viewing the items at a special benefit reception with proceeds going to The Childrens Bereavement Center of South Texas (CBCST). For more information, go to http://www.cbcst.org/.
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